Below: A large part of the package included photo-composite artistic impressions of 6 of the reserves zones. The main building was designed with a lilly pad theme running through it, I followed this theme in my designs for other areas and installations.
Left: The interpretation included several storylines that we thought could be clearly represented through the site using colour themes. Colour pallets for these themes were drawn from colours found in the Tongli Reserve. Typographic solutions were explored considering the balance of Chinese and English text. Sign structure ideas included printing directly to substrate.
Project: Tongli Visitor Centre and Wetland Park
Job: Concept stage interpretation & design package
Client: WWT Consulting for the local govenment in China
Brief: Produce a design package that includes graphic style, sign structure ideas, proposed illustrative style and artistic impressions for external and internal spaces. This commission also included concept stage ideas for a 2 storey viewing tower, a forest story-telling pod and wetland garden.
Tongli Wetland Park, China

Cut away, illustrating the main foyer flanked on the left with the Amazing Wetlands gallery and on the right with the retail area.

Woodland Zone. Concepts for this area included a Story Telling room/structure built in a style that echos the local vernacular architecture set in an amphitheatre, a tree-top walk and a Barefoot trail.

Wetland Investigator Zone. This zone includes circular work stations (again, echoing the Lilly-pad theme), each station providing a fun, educational activity.

Tower Hide impression. This is my vision for the interior of the proposed tower hide. I explored the idea of including multi-purpose stations, this one combines a revolving interpretation board, seating and interactive digital displays.

One of my favorite parts of this job was designing a wetland garden. The design included a tea room with green roof, a Chinese medicine garden and a sunken poetry recital area so that visitors could sit below pond level.

Forest Zone. This zone is inside the visitor centre. The proposed vision for this area includes a back-lit ceiling helping to provide a bamboo grove atmosphere, and woodland floor graphics, with a question and answer board game trail involving 3D models, lift-up flaps and sound effects.